Lakehomes.com Realty now has a presence in the McGregor, Minnesota Area. Our local agent, Neal Sampson, is located just a few miles up Highway 65 north of McGregor, in the Yellowstone Log Homes building, which is convenient to both Big Sandy Lake and Lake Minnewawa. Neal has a great understanding of the local lakeshore market, so please stop in and see him if you are thinking of buying or selling in the area. You can also reach him at nealsampson@lakehomes.com, or on his cell at 218-330-4001.
If you are looking for some great lake property values within two hours of the Twin Cities, you will find that Big Sandy, Minnewawa, Round Lake, and others in the area have some incredible prices right now. If you aren't familiar with the lakes in the McGegor Area, here is a link to the main ones.
Big Sandy, alone, has over 6,000 acres of water, plus several other lakes and rivers that adjoin it for great boating. There are several bars and restaurants on the lake, plus many islands and bays to get lost in, so it offers a lot interesting water recreation. And Big Sandy Lodge is a top notch modern resort, with fine dining and great amenities. There are also a number of great little eateries all around the McGregor Area, so ask Neal about those if you need some suggestions.
Happy Easter from all of us at Lakehomes.com Realty.