I apologize for taking a little break from my somewhat regular posts on this blog, but like most everyone else I am a bit tired of the ongoing winter. Even my dog (Ollie) goes and hides when we turn on the Weather Channel now. It used to be his favorite show.
It seems that between the ridiculous weather and the constant bombardment of bad economic news, real estate agents up here in the northern climes are taking it harder than anyone. Just the other day there was a report of an agent jumping out the window of a tall building...although it was only from the first floor. I'm not sure if it was due to these issues, or just a boring continuing education class that he was attending at the time, but I heard the only injury was a severely bent pin on his name badge. All reports are that after a couple weeks of therapy he will be just fine (although the name badge may not be as level as it once was - and probably much more difficult to get pinned).
Interestingly enough, showings have picked up in Northern Minnesota this past week. Maybe people are fighting back by actually going out and viewing lakefront real estate, even with all this snow on the ground and several feet of ice on the lakes. I guess it's kind of a Minnesota thing to only let the weather push you so far.
Well, Ollie just went over and turned on the Weather Channel while I was typing this, so his spirits must be picking up, too. Oh look...it's supposed to be 60 degrees or so by Tuesday. And this is really something...CNBC says the price of gas is going to 99 cents per gallon by early May!
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