Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A New Blog Format

After quite a few months of being the headliner on this blog, I thought it was only fair to bring Sandy in on it. She may not be as interested in writing the articles (although you can probably tell I haven't been that interested over the summer either), but she certainly knows the business and might decide to throw a few important thoughts your way.

Anyway, it is now "our" blog, so please let us know if you have any items you want us to cover. I personally think it is easier to keep the entries a bit shorter so that we can keep current information coming at you more often. At least we'll do our best!

Thanks for visiting,



Anonymous said...

I would like to hear a summary of how the market was. What did and didnt sell and what the forecast is for next year.

Anonymous said...

Good idea! I think you should have her photo on the blog also instead of yours. Seeing that sales were slow, I hope fishing was great! Marc

Anonymous said...

You're right, Marc, I'll get some more info on Sandy there, and another photo, too. Fishing was great for everyone...but me!